Bogra Curd (বগুড়ার দই)
Bogra Curd (বগুড়ার দই) C urd is the first name when it comes to food at any Bogra pleasure or guest accommodation. Bogra yogurt is not an option for guest appointments. As it is unique in taste, the sweetness of the yogurt does not play its role as it is incomplete. This is why those who come to Bogra do not leave this city without the taste of yogurt. And in the center of this yogurt, Bogra got a new acquaintance. Being unique in taste, yogurt is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Every day, different regions of the country are going abroad. Although there is the possibility of creating a huge market for Bogra yogurt overseas, it is not expanding due to lack of government sponsorship. About 200 lakh yogurt is sold every day at hundreds of shops in Bogra. Not only for the occasion of joy, but for the nutritionally rich yogurt, the name Bahari. Types of sweet yogurt, talk yogurt, white (without sweet) yogurt, whey yogurt, bowl yogurt, diabetes yogurt, special yogurt etc.